Sergio Martinez

Color and Tradition at the Atzán Arts Festival 2024 with the Amalia Hernández Folkloric Ballet

The Amalia Hernández Folkloric Ballet of Mexico brought a vibrant mix of color and tradition to the main stage of the Atzán 2024 International Arts Festival in Atizapán de Zaragoza. The event kicked off at 8:00 PM, transforming the night…

Anne Hathaway Lights Up the Dance Floor with Twerking Moves in Milan, Video

At an afterparty in Milan, Anne Hathaway captivated attendees with her electrifying dance moves, becoming the center of attention on the dance floor. The Hollywood star, known for her roles in films like “The Princess Diaries,” was in the city…

The Samba School Viradouro Clinches Victory at Rio de Janeiro’s Carnival

The Rio de Janeiro Carnival, a spectacle of color, music, and festivity, crowned the Samba School Viradouro as this year’s grand champion. Over thirty judges evaluated participants based on various criteria, including costumes, story, overall harmony, and music. Viradouro stood…